Wege, Sebastian, Cédric P. Legendre, Wu-Cheng Chi*, Tan Kin Wang, Pascal Kunath, Char-Shine Liu (2022) Field and Synthetic Waveform Tests on Using Large-offset Seismic Streamer Data to Derive Shallow Seabed Shear-Wave Velocity and Geotechnical Properties, Planetary and Earth Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021EA002196
Yang, Chu-Fang*, Wu-Cheng Chi , Hans van Haren , Ching-Ren Lin , and Ban-Yuan Kuo (2021a) Tracking deep-sea internal wave propagation with a differential pressure gauge array, Scientific Reports, 11, 23311
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Yang, Chu-Fang*, Wu-Cheng Chi*, Hans van Haren (2021b) Deep-sea turbulence evolution observed by multiple closely spaced instruments, Scientific Reports, 11:3919. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-83419-2
Kunath, Pascal, Wu-Cheng Chi*, Christian Berndt, Liwen Chen, Char-Shine Liu, Dirk Klaschen, and Sina Muff (2020) A shallow seabed dynamic gas hydrate system off SW Taiwan: Results from 3D seismic, thermal, and fluid migration analyses, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, e2019JB019245‐T. https:// doi.org/10.1029/2019JB019245
Chi, Wu-Cheng* and Donald Reed (2008) Evolution of shallow, crustal thermal structure from subduction to collision: An example from Taiwan, Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 120, no. 5/6, 679-690; doi:10.1130/B26210.1.
Chi, Wu-Cheng* and Douglas Dreger (2004) Crustal Deformation in Taiwan: Results from Finite Source Inversions of Six Mw>5.8 Chi-Chi Aftershocks, Journal Geophysical Research, Vol. 109, B07305, doi:10,1029/2003JB002606.
Chi, Wu-Cheng*, Don Reed, C.S. Liu, N. Lundberg (1998) Distribution of the Bottom-Simulating Reflector in the Offshore Taiwan Collision Zone, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO), Vol. 9, no. 4, p. 779-794.
使用地震波形研究新能源 我和我的合作者使用地震波形和溫度計在台灣地區的陸上和海上推導出了超過 1000 個區域熱流值(例如 Chi 和 Reed, 2008),首次記錄台灣西南近海的大量水燃冰(Chi et al., 1998)。最近,我們專注於使用創新的三維震測和長支距震測勘測來研究海上水合物和離岸風力項目的海床地工特性(Wege 等人, 2022)。我們還開發了使用寬頻海底地震儀研究颱風激發的 3000 米水深的紊流和內波的方法(Yang 等人, 2021a,Yang 等人, 2021b)。流體可能激發地震波和或改變地震波傳播特性,因此地震學是一種很好的遙感方法,讓我們能夠長期或甚至即時監測這些資源。
利用地震學減輕自然災害 地震會產生強地動,以及陸上和外海的大規模塊體運動。它們還可以產生海嘯。我和我的同事們逆推寬頻地震波形來研究地震的點、線和有限源,以模擬強地動(Chi 和 Dreger, 2004)。我們還使用類似的逆推技術來研究強降雨 (Yang et al., 2018)、塊體運動、和海嘯 (Chen et al., 2021)。使用反射地震學,我們記錄了以前在海底發生的地 震和大規模塊體運動事件(Kunath 等人, 2020)。我們使用主動和被動源地震學來研究外海基礎設施的地工特徵。
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