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Yu-Chieh Chen, Charles C.-K.Chou, Yu-Jen Tsai, Shih-Yu Chang, Wei-Nai Chen (2019). Impacts of holiday characteristics and number of vacation days on “holiday effect” in Taipei: Implications on ozone control strategies. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 292, 357-369.
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P. Prasad, M.Roja Raman, M.Venkat Ratnam, Wei-Nai Chen, S. Vijaya Bhaskar, Raoa Mukund, M. Gogoid Sobhan Kumar, Kompalli, K.Sarat Kumar, S.Suresh Babu (2018). Characterization of atmospheric Black Carbon over a semi-urban site of Southeast India: Local sources and long-range transport. Atmospheric Research, 213(15), 411-421.
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Ta-Chih Hsiao*, Wei-Nai Chen, Wei-Cheng Ye, Neng-Huei Lin, Si-Chee Tsay, Tang-Huang Lin, Chung-Te Lee, Ming-Tung Chuang (2017). Aerosol optical properties at the Lulin Atmospheric Background Station in Taiwan and the influences of long-range transport of air pollutants. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 150, 366-378.
Ta-Chih Hsiao*, Wei-Cheng Ye, Sheng-Hsiang Wang, Si-Chee Tsay, Wei-Nai Chen, Neng-Huei Lin, Chung-Te Lee, Hui-Ming Hung, Ming-Tung Chuang, Somporn Chantara (2016). Investigation of the CCN Activity, BC and UVBC Mass Concentrations of Biomass Burning Aerosols during the 2013 BASELInE Campaign. AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH, 16, 2742-2756.
Sheng-Hsiang Wang · Ellsworth J. Welton · Brent N. Holben · Si-Chee Tsay · Neng-Huei Lin · David Giles · Sebastian A. Stewart · Serm Janjai · Xuan Anh Nguyen · Ta-Chih Hsiao · Wei-Nai Chen · Tang-Huang Lin · Sumaman Buntoung · Somporn Chantara · Wan Wiriya · (2015). Vertical Distribution and Columnar Optical Properties of Springtime Biomass-Burning Aerosols over Northern Indochina during 2014 7-SEAS Campaign. AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH, 15(5).
I-Chun Tsai · Jen-Ping Chen · Candice Shi-Chun · Lung · Nan Li · Wei-Nai Chen · Tzung-May Fu · Chih-Chung Chang · Gong-Do Hwang · (2015). Sources and formation pathways of organic aerosol in a subtropical metropolis during summer. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 117, 51-60.
I-Chun Tsai, Jen-Ping Chen*, Yi-Chiu Lin, Charles Chung-Kuang Chou, Wei-Nai Chen (2015). Numerical investigation of the coagulation mixing between dust and hygroscopic aerosol particles and its impacts. J. GEO. RES., 10.1002/2014JD022899.
大氣邊界層觀測 (氣膠光達與雷射剖風儀) 我們利用氣膠光達以及光達剖風儀對於台灣各個地區的邊界層進行觀測,藉以研究變就變化的特性以及可能的動力機制。 基本上日間邊界層如預料在夏季最高,在冬季最低。我們也注意到區域性的環流對邊界層的結構有顯著的影響,例如右圖中可以注意到邊界層內上下層的風向是相反的,頂層的風有一部分是底層海陸風的回流。
車載氣膠光達 為了研究邊界層在台灣土地上的區域性分佈與差異,
我們將氣膠光達縮小到可以以車載進行移動式觀測,藉由這套系統,除了可以測量邊界層的剖面分佈,也可以用來監控特定污染源的排放。右圖為車載光達從小港往中央山脈山麓 (賽夏) 進行的氣膠東西向剖面觀測,從圖中可以看到從高雄沿海到中央山脈山麓之間有數個較明顯的氣膠集中區域,雲層的分佈則是從山麓往沿海漸淡,這可能是因為雲層擴散或是蒸發所造成,當然這還需要數個平行的切面測量來做解析。
差分式臭氧光達 (Ozone DIAL) DIAL (Differential Absorption Lidar) 就是利用氣體在不同的波段的對光的吸收強度的差異來測量氣體空間分佈的光達技術。DIAL 系統會發出兩道以上的雷射光束,雷射波長分別位於氣體的強吸收(on-line)與弱吸收(off-line)區,臭氧的濃度可以藉由計算on-line與off-line的散射光在通過光徑後衰減量的差異而得。RCEC 所使用的是將兩個不同轉換波長的氣體 (CH4 and H2) 加壓後混合在 Raman Cell 後,再以一道雷射同時產生誘發產生 on-line (289 nm) 與 off-line (299 nm) 的雷射。