莊銘棟Chuang, Ming-Tung




Chuang, M.T., Chou, C.C.K., Lin, C.Y., Lee, J. H., Lin, W.C., Li, M.H., Chen, S.W., Chang, S.H. (2024). PM2.5 episodes in northern Taiwan under southerly winds in late winter. Atmospheric Research 311, 107686.

Chuang, M.T.,* Chou, C.C.K., Lin, C.Y., Lin, W.C., Lee, J.H., Li, M.H., Chen, W.N., Chang, C.C., Liu, C.Y., Chen, Y.C., (2024). Source apportionment of PM2.5 episodes in the Taichung metropolitan area, Taiwan. Atmospheric Research 311, 107666.

Chuang, M.T.*, Chou, C.C.K., Lee, C.T., Lee, Ja, H., Lin, W.C., Lin, C.Y., Chen, W.N., Chen, Y.Y., Chi, K.H., (2024). Characteristics and impacts of particulates from the largest power plant plume in Taiwan. Atmospheric Pollution Research 15, 102076.

Chuang, M.T.*, Chou, C.C.-K, Lin, C.Y., Lee, J.H., Lin, W.C., Chen, W.N., Liu, C.Y., Chang, C.C., (2023). Probing air pollution in the Taichung meteopolitan area, Taiwan. Part 1: Comprehensive model evaluation and the spatial-temporal evolution of a PM2.5 pollution event. Atmospheric Research 287, 106713.

Chuang, M.T.*, Chou, C.C.-K, Lin, C.Y., Lee, J.H., Lin, W.E., Chen, Y.Y., Chang, C.C., Lee, C.T., Kong, S.S.K., Lin, T.H., (2022). A numerical study of reducing the concentration of O3 and PM2.5 simultaneously in Taiwan. Journal of Environmental Management 319, 115614.

Chuang, M.T.*, Wu, C.F., Lin, C.Y., Chou, C.C.K., Lee, C.T., Lin, T.H., Fu, J.S., Kong, S.S.K., (2022). Simulating nitrate formation mechanisms during PM2.5 events in Taiwan and their implications for the controlling direction, Atmospheric Environment 269, 118856.

Chuang, M.T.*, Chou, C.C.K., Hsiao, T.C., Lin, K.Y., Lin, N.H., Lin, W.Y., Wang, S.H., Pani, S.K., Lee, C.T.*, (2021). Analyzing the increasing importance of nitrate in Taiwan from long-term trend of measurement. Atmospheric Environment 267, 118749.

Chuang, M.T.*, Ooi, M.C.G., Lin, N.H., Fu, J.S., Lee, C.T., Wang, S.H., Yen, M.C., Kong, S.S.K., Huang, W.S., (2020). Study the impact of three Asian industrial regions on PM2.5 in Taiwan and the process analysis during transport. ACP 20, 14947-14967.

Chuang, M.T.*, Chang, S.Y., Hsiao, T.C., Lu, Y.R., Yang, T.Y., (2019). Analyzing major renewable energy sources and power stability in Taiwan by 2030. Energy Policy 125, 293-306.

Chuang, M.T.*, Chung-Te Lee*, Hui-Chun Hsu, (2018). Quantifying PM2.5 from long-range transport and local pollution in Taiwan during winter monsoon: An efficient estimation method. Journal of Environmental Management 227, 10-22.

Chuang, M.T.*, Chou, C.C.K., Lin, N.H., Takami, A., Hsiao, T.C., Lin, T.H., Fu, J.S., Pani, S.K., Lu, Y.R., Yang, T.Y., (2017). A simulation study on PM2.5 sources and meteorological characteristics at the northern tip of Taiwan in the early stage of the Asian haze period. AAQR 17, 3166-3178.

Chuang, M.T.*, Fu, J.S., Lee, C.T., Lin, N.H., Gao, Y., Wang, S.H., Sheu, G.R., Hsiao, T.C., Wang, J.L., Yen, M.C., Lin, T.H., Thongboonchoo, N., (2016). The simulation of long-range transport of biomass burning plume and short-range transport of anthropogenic pollutants to a mountain observatory in East Asia during the 7-SEAS/2010 Dongsha Experiment. AAQR 16, 2933-2949.

Chuang, M.T., Chen, Y.C., Lee, C.T., Cheng, C.H., Wu, Y.P., Chang, S.Y.*, (2016). Apportionment of the sources of high fine particulate matter concentration events in a developing aerotropolis in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Environmental Pollution, 214, 273-281.

Chuang, M.T., Lin, N.H., Chang,S.Y., Sopajareepom, K., Wang, J.L., Sheu, G.R., Chang, S.C., Chang, Y.J., Lee, C.T.*, (2016). Aerosol transport from Chiangmai, Thailand to Mt.Lulin, Taiwan-implication of aerosol aging during long-range transport. Atmospheric Environment, 137, 101-112.

Chuang, M.T.*, Fu, J.S., Lin, N.H., Lee, C.T., Gao, Y.,Wang, S.H., Wang, S.H., Sheu, G.R., Hsiao, T.C., Wang, J.L.,Yen, M.C., Lin, T.H., Thongboonchoo, N., Chen, W.C., (2015). Simulating transport and chemical evolution of of biomass burning pollutants originating from Southeast Asia during 7-SEAS/2010 Dongsha Experiment. Atmospheric Environment, 112, 294-305.

Chuang, M.T., Lee, C.T.*, Lin, N.H., Chou, C.C.K., Wang, J.L., Sheu, G.R., Chang, S.C., Wang, S.H., Huang, H., Cheng, H.W., Weng, G.H., Lai, S.Y., Hsu, S.P., Chang, Y.J., (2014). Carbonaceous aerosols in the air masses transported from Indochina to Taiwan: Long-term observation at Mountain Lulin. Atmospheric Environment 89, 507-516. June, 2014.

Chuang, M.T., Lin, N.H., Chou, C.C.K., Sopajareepom, K., Wang, J.L., Sheu, G.R., Chang, Y.J., Lee, C.T.*, (2013a). Characterization of aerosol chemical properties from near-source biomass burning in the northern Indochina during 7-SEAS/Dongsha experiment. Atmospheric Environment 78, 72-81.

Chuang, M.T., Lin, N.H., Chang,S.C., Wang, J.L., Sheu, G.R., Chang, Y.J., Lee, C.T., 2013b. Aerosol chemical properties and related pollutants measured in Dongsha Island in the northern South China Sea during 7-SEAS/Dongsha experiment. Atmospheric Environment 78, 82-92.

Chuang, M.T., Zhang, Y., Kang, D., 2011. Application of WRF/Chem-MADRID for Real-Time Air Quality Forecasting over the Southeastern United States. Atmospheric Environment 45, 6241-6250.

Lee, C.T., Chuang, M.T., Lin, N.H., Wang, J.L., Sheu, G.R., Wang, S.H., Huang, H., Chen, H.W., Weng, G.H., Hsu, S.P., 2011. The enhancement of biosmoke from Southeast Asia on PM2.5 water-soluble ions during the transport over the Mountain Lulin site in Taiwan. Atmospheric Environment 45, 5784-5794.

Chuang, M.T., Fu, J.S., Jiang, C.J., Chan, C.C., Ni, P.C., Lee, C.T., 2008. Simulation of long-range transport aerosols from Asian Continent to Taiwan by a Southward Asian high-pressure system. Science of the Total Environment 406, 168-179.

Chuang M.T., Chiang P.C., Chan, C.C., Wang C.F., Chang Y.Y., Lee C.T., 2008. The effects of synoptical weather pattern and complex terrain on the formation of aerosol events in the greater Taipei area. Science of the Total Environment 399, 128-146.

Lee C.T., Chuang M.T., Chan C.C., Cheng T.J., Huang S.L., 2006. Aerosol characteristics from the Taiwan aerosol supersite in the Asian yellow-dust periods of 2002. Atmospheric Environment 40, 3409–3418.


東亞塵霾長程傳輸 2002年分析台北超級測站觀測資料時,我們就發現隨著冷高壓影響台灣的PM2.5高濃度事件(Lee et al., 2006)。隨之,我們應用CMAQ模式去模擬PM2.5煙團從上海傳輸至台北的過程(Chuang et al., 2008b),煙團中前驅物氣體與PM2.5組成的化學演變過程,揭示硝酸銨的揮發以及同步硫酸銨的產生,然而有機碳與其他組成佔PM2.5的百分比無明顯變化。最近,我們模擬三種類型的個案,包括嚴重長程傳輸事件型、長程傳輸與當地污染混和型,以及當地污染型在台灣北部的特徵 (Chuang et al., 2017),並歸納各個的特徵。

對於亞洲塵霾對於台灣的影響在量化上究竟佔多少百分比,我們發展出一個很經濟有效的方法去估算在2006-2015年的東北季風時期,長程傳輸及當地污染各占多少百分比 (Chuang et al., 2018),解答了一個重大的疑惑,未來我們將擴展至西南季風時期,估算整年的長程傳輸及當地污染佔比。最近,我們利用過程分析技術,去研究中國三大工業區,環渤海工業區、長江工業區以及珠江工業區的PM2.5影響至台灣的傳輸機制,(Chuang et al., 2020),已經可以知道PM2.5煙團傳輸的過程是經由水平或垂直平流還是擴散運動、增減是經由氣膠化學還是異相化學等。

東南亞生質燃燒氣膠長程傳輸至台灣  我們分析中央大學李崇德教授過去幾年的PM2.5成分分析資料,包括在鹿林山觀測的水溶性離子(Lee et al., 2011)以及碳成分(Chuang et al., 2014)、在泰國北部 (Chuang et al., 2013a)以及在東沙島(Chuang et al., 2013b)的氣膠特性。隨後,我們利用在鹿林山以及泰國北部分別的氣膠特性,探討生質燃燒氣膠傳輸過程中的老化(aging)過程。近年來,我們將研究轉到利用CMAQ模式去探討生質燃燒氣膠傳輸過程前驅物與氣膠組成的化學演變(Chuang et al., 2015),同時我們也使用模式去探討當生質燃燒氣膠接近台灣時的化學演變以及其如何影響台灣西半部的地面(Chuang et al., 2016)

空氣品質預報  在作博士後期間,使用WRF/Chem-MADRID進行美國東南區美日預報 (Chuang et al., 2011),經驗收穫豐碩,回到中央大學於2016年又開始進行PM2.5長程傳輸事件預報。2019年加入RCEC後,又參與台灣地區的空品預報評估。在空品預報的道路上,是一條為了追求預報準確的道路,包含不同的模式模擬技術,個人目前主要是將重心放在排放資料的更新與驗證上。

都市污染  我的博士論文就是在研究大台北地區PM2.5事件成因,我們主要探討各種污染天氣類型與地形效應在PM2.5事件所扮演的角色 (Chuang et al., 2008a),隨後我們利用CMAQ模式去模擬PM2.5煙團從上海傳輸至台北所造成的影響 (Chuang et al., 2008b)2015年,我們曾使用PMF模式去分析關於桃園市各種PM2.5來源及其貢獻(Chuang et al., 2016)。加入RCEC後,我們目前將重心擺在大台中地區的臭氧及PM2.5的生成機制。

  • 兼任副教授
    環境工程研究所 (2019~迄今)
  • 專案副教授
    能源工程研究所 (2016~ 2018)
  • 專案助理教授
    能源工程研究所、環境工程研究所 (2011~2016)
  • 博士生
    環境工程研究所 (2002~2008)
