辛宜佳Hsin, Yi-Chia




Shang-Yin Vanson Liu*, Yi-Chia Hsin, Yu-Rong Cheng, (2020), “Using particle tracking and genetic approaches to infer population connectivity in the deep-sea scleractinian coral Deltocyathus magnificus in the South China Sea”, Deep-Sea Research Part I, accepted on 04-09-2020.

Chia-Ying Ko*,#, Yi-Chia Hsin#, Teng-Lang Yu, Kuo-Lieh Liu, Fuh-Kwo Shiah, Ming-Shiou Jeng*, (2018), “Monitoring multi-year macro ocean litter dynamics and backward-tracking simulation of litter origins on a remote island in the South China Sea”, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 13, 044021.

Yi-Chia Hsin, (2016), “Trends of the Pathways and Intensities of Surface Equatorial Current System in the North Pacific Ocean”, JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 29(18), 6693-6710.

Yi-Chia Hsin, (2015), “Multidecadal variations of the surface Kuroshio between 1950s and 2000s and its impacts on surrounding waters”, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 120, 1792-1808.

Yi-Chia Hsin*, Bo Qiu, Tzu-Ling Chiang, Chau-Ron Wu, (2013), “Seasonal to interannual variations in the intensity and central position of the surface Kuroshio east of Taiwan”, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 118, 4305-4316.

Yi-Chia Hsin*, Bo Qiu, (2012), “The impact of Eastern-Pacific versus Central-Pacific El Niños on the North Equatorial Countercurrent in the Pacific Ocean”, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 117, C11017.

Yi-Chia Hsin*, Bo Qiu, (2012), “Seasonal fluctuations of the surface North Equatorial Countercurrent (NECC) across the Pacific basin”, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 117, C06001.

Yi-Chia Hsin, Chau-Ron Wu*, Shenn-Yu Chao, (2012), “An updated examination of the Luzon Strait transport”, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 117, C03022.



黑潮研究:  黑潮是西北太平洋海域最重要的海流之一。利用衛星遙測、現場水文觀測、浮標觀測和海洋再分析等資料以及數值模擬,定量黑潮的平均狀態,並探討其多重尺度(季節內至年代際變化)以及相對應之動力機制。亦運用紀錄於南灣珊瑚岩芯之 δ18O繁衍台灣南端海域之年際至代際溫度變化,並認為其受控於黑潮流量變化。再者,運用海洋環流數值模式來探討冰河時期黑潮對南海和東海環流之影響。

北太平洋表面赤道流研究:  北太平洋表面赤道海流系統在海流與大氣之氣候系統變化扮演十分重要的角色,其影響藉大氣環流及海洋環流得以擴及全球。在季節尺度上,東太平洋與西太平洋之北赤道反流之流量具不同之年循環,而此相異之年變化為大氣中風應力旋度及海洋表層第一斜壓羅士培波之綜合結果。在年際變化上,北赤道反流亦因不同型態之聖嬰現象影響而有不同之反應。此外,利用數組長期海洋再分析資料,定量探討北太平洋主要之表面赤道海流之流量流涇百年變化,結果亦運用來驗證氣候模式中赤道海流系統之表現,並進一步探討在未來氣候情境下,可能之變化趨勢。

生地化模擬研究: 運用海洋數值模式搭以浮標追踪模擬,以解釋特定之生地化議題,例如:追踪水團、物質傳輸,生態系統連結、海漂垃圾等。

  • 博士
    地球科學系 (2008)
