我的研究興趣包括環境規劃與治理、水環境與社會發展、跨領域研究、災害研究、氣候變遷調適及社區防災等。無論採用何種研究取徑,研究主題大致與社會生態系統(socio-ecological systems)相關,期望能探究多元社會真實,進而提出相應的建議。
Lee, Chia-Chi, Kuo, Shih-Yun, Hsu, Huang-Hsiung, Mo, Tung-Li, Chang, En-Yu, Huang, Kuan-Chun, How does the research community contribute to TCFD-aligned disclosures? The gaps between reality and ideals, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (submitting)
Elusma, Manassé, Tung, Ching-pin, Lee, Chia-Chi, Jou, Sue-ching, Agricultural drought risk assessment in the Caribbean region: The case of HAITI, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (under review)
Huang, Kuo-Ching, Chan, Shih-Liang, Ke, Jing-Ting, Lee, Chia-Chi, Discussion on the co-benefit assessment framework of climate change adaptation: Agricultural land-use adaptation as an example, Journal of City and Planning (in Chinese) (major revision completed and resubmitted)
Lee, Chia-Chi, Huang, Kuo-Ching, Kuo, Shih-Yun, Lin, Yong-Jun, Ke, Kai-Yuan, Pan, Tsung-Yi, Tai, Li-Li, Cheng, Chien-Ke, Shih, Yu-Li, Lai, Han-Ting, Ke, Bing-Heng (2022) Gender matters: The role of women in community-based disaster risk management in Taiwan, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 77(11): 103046, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103046
Lee, Chia-Chi, Kuo, Shih-Yun, Chiu, Ya-Hsuan, Chang, En-Yu, Chen, Liang-Chun, Hung, Hung-Chih, Chang, Ting-Wei, Drought perception under climate change: The differences between farmers and the public in Taiwan, Land Use Policy (submitting)
Lee, Chia-Chi, Huang, Kuo-Ching, Kuo, Shih-Yun, Tung, Ching-Pin, Liu, Tzu-Ming (2022) Climate change research in Taiwan: Beyond following the mainstream, Environmental Hazards: Human and Policy Dimensions, https://doi.org/10.1080/17477891.2022.2074954
Lee, Chia-Chi, Huang, Kuo-Ching, Kuo, Shih-Yun, Cheng, Chien-Ke, Tung, Ching-Pin, Liu, Tzu-Ming (2021) Development of a social impact assessment for the water environment: a professional perspective, Water, 13(23): 3355, https://doi.org/10.3390/w13233355
探討水環境社會影響評估(SIA)的可能性,研究成果發現:1. 水環境SIA確實是必要的;2. 臺灣水環境專業人士目前對SIA缺乏了解,需要改善;3. 實施水環境SIA有其難度;4. 推行SIA有必要釐清和整合相關政府部門的權限和職責;5. 專業人士相信SIA必須量化的迷思;6. 水環境SIA必須與現有的整合性水資源管理(IWRM)相結合。
檢視臺灣女性在防災社區(CBDRM)扮演的角色,根據研究者多年從事社區防災經驗,結合關鍵報導人訪談,對臺北市和新北市的實際推動過程進行考察,發現如下:1. 形式化與刻板的制度設計;2. 女性的自我貶抑;3. 女性需要承擔較多的家庭勞務影響社區防災工作之參與;4. 女性的才幹受到肯定與尊重;5. 里長的個人特質(魅力)及其支持者決定了防災社區的性別基調;6. 防災社區的性別問題是大環境性別問題的縮影。