謝志豪Hsieh, Chih-hao


  1. 非線性動力系統理論與方法,及其在生物學上的應用
  2. 在氣候變遷下,漁業捕撈對魚類的影響
  3. 在氣候變遷下,人類對湖泊生態系統的干擾
  4. 浮游生物生態學及其在海洋食物網中之角色


Wang J. Y., T. C. Kuo, and C. H. Hsieh* (2020) Causal effects of population dynamics and environmental changes on spatial variability of marine fish. Nature Communications. 11: 2635.

Ho, P. C., E. Wong, F. S. Lin, A. R. Sastri, C. García-Comas, N. Okuda, F. K. Shiah, G. C. Gong, R. S.W. Yam and C. H. Hsieh* (2020) Prey stoichiometry and phytoplankton and zooplankton composition influence the production of marine crustacean zooplankton. Progress in Oceanography. 186: 102369.

Lu, H. P., Y. C. Yeh, F. K. Shiah, G. C. Gong, and C. H. Hsieh* (2019) Evolutionary constraint on species diversity in marine bacterioplankton communities. ISME Journal. 13: 1032-1041.

Yang, J. W., W. Wu, C. C. Chung, K. P. Chiang, G. C. Gong, and C. H. Hsieh* (2018) Predator and prey biodiversity relationship and consequences on marine ecosystem functioning—Interplay between nanoflagellates and bacterioplankton. ISME Journal. 12: 1532-1542.

Ushio, M., C. H. Hsieh, R. Masuda, E. Deyle, H. Ye, C. W. Chang, G. Sugihara, and M. Kondoh (2018) Fluctuating interaction network and dynamic stability of natural fish community. Nature 554: 360-363.

Wu, W., H. P. Lu, A. R. Sastri, Y. C. G. C. Gong, W. C. Chou, and C. H. Hsieh* (2018) Contrasting the relative importance of species sorting and dispersal limitation in shaping marine bacterial versus protist communities. ISME Journal. 12: 485-494. 

Sugihara, G., R. May, H. Ye, C. H. Hsieh, E. Deyle, M. Fogarty, and S. Munch (2012) Detecting causality in complex ecosystems. Science 338: 496-500

Anderson, C.N.K., C.H. Hsieh, S.A. Sandin, R. Hewitt, A. Hollowed, J. Beddington, R.M. May, and G. Sugihara (2008). Why fishing magnifies fluctuations in fish abundance. Nature, 452: 835-839

Hsieh, C.H., S.C. Reiss, J. R. Hunter, J.R. Beddington, R. M. May, and G. Sugihara (2006) Fishing elevates variability in the abundance of exploited species.  Nature. 443: 859-862.

Hsieh, C.H., S.M. Glaser, A.J. Lucas, and G. Sugihara (2005) Distinguishing random environmental fluctuations from ecological catastrophes for the North Pacific Ocean.  Nature. 435: 336-340.





  • 現職:
  • 博士
    美國 加州大學
  • 碩士
  • 學士
