Chi, Wu-Cheng戚務正
Joint Appointment Research Fellow
Research Interests
Wu-Cheng is a geoscientist with interests in ground motions induced by earthquakes, crustal deformation, fluids, and man-make sources. He is mostly using seismic waveforms, and integrating other geological, geophysical, and oceanographic datasets for a combined interpretation. The main objectives of his researches include seismic hazard mitigation and resources exploration and preservation.
Representative Publications
Wege, Sebastian, Cédric P. Legendre, Wu-Cheng Chi*, Tan Kin Wang, Pascal Kunath, Char-Shine Liu (2022) Field and Synthetic Waveform Tests on Using Large-offset Seismic Streamer Data to Derive Shallow Seabed Shear-Wave Velocity and Geotechnical Properties, Planetary and Earth Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021EA002196
Yang, Chu-Fang*, Wu-Cheng Chi , Hans van Haren , Ching-Ren Lin , and Ban-Yuan Kuo (2021a) Tracking deep-sea internal wave propagation with a differential pressure gauge array, Scientific Reports, 11, 23311
Chen, J.-C F., Wu-Cheng. Chi*, and Chu-Fang. Yang (2021) Seismically Derived Ground Tilts Related to the 2010 Chilean Tsunami, Seismological Research Letters, 92, 2172-2181, http://doi.org/10.1785/0220200288.
Yang, Chu-Fang*, Wu-Cheng Chi*, Hans van Haren (2021b) Deep-sea turbulence evolution observed by multiple closely spaced instruments, Scientific Reports, 11:3919. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-83419-2
Kunath, Pascal, Wu-Cheng Chi*, Christian Berndt, Liwen Chen, Char-Shine Liu, Dirk Klaschen, and Sina Muff (2020) A shallow seabed dynamic gas hydrate system off SW Taiwan: Results from 3D seismic, thermal, and fluid migration analyses, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, e2019JB019245‐T. https:// doi.org/10.1029/2019JB019245
Chi, Wu-Cheng* and Donald Reed (2008) Evolution of shallow, crustal thermal structure from subduction to collision: An example from Taiwan, Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 120, no. 5/6, 679-690; doi:10.1130/B26210.1.
Chi, Wu-Cheng* and Douglas Dreger (2004) Crustal Deformation in Taiwan: Results from Finite Source Inversions of Six Mw>5.8 Chi-Chi Aftershocks, Journal Geophysical Research, Vol. 109, B07305, doi:10,1029/2003JB002606.
Chi, Wu-Cheng*, Don Reed, C.S. Liu, N. Lundberg (1998) Distribution of the Bottom-Simulating Reflector in the Offshore Taiwan Collision Zone, Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (TAO), Vol. 9, no. 4, p. 779-794.
Use seismic waveforms to study new energy My collaborators and I have use seismic waveforms and temperature sensors to derive > 1000 regional heat flow values in Taiwan region both onland and offshore (e.g. Chi and Reed, 2008), were the first to document large amount of hydrate offshore SW Taiwan (Chi et al., 1998). Recently we are focusing on using innovated 3D seismic and large offset seismic surveys to study geotechnical properties of seabed for offshore hydrate and offshore windmill projects (Wege et al., 2022). We also developed methods to use broadband ocean bottom seismometers to study turbulence and internal waves at 3000 meter water depth excited by typhoons (Yang et al., 2021a, Yang et al., 2021b).Moving fluids might generate seismic waves and/or change how seismic wave propagate, thus seismology is a good remote sensing method that allows us to monitor these resources in long terms, some in realtime.
Natural hazard mitigation using seismology Earthquakes generate strong ground motions, in addition to mass wasting movements both onland and offshore. They can also generate tsunami. My colleagues and I have inverted broadband seismic waveforms to study point, line, and finite sources of earthquake in order to simulate the strong motions (Chi and Dreger, 2004). We also use similar inversion techniques to study sources of strong precipitation (Yang et al., 2018), mass wasting movement, and tsunami (Chen et al., 2021). Using reflection seismology, we document previous earthquakes and mass wasting events on the seafloor (Kunath et al., 2020). We use both active and passive source seismology for site characterization of offshore infrastructures.