Chou, Kuei-Tien周桂田

Joint Appointment Research Fellow

Research Interests

Kuei-Tien Chou is Professor at the Graduate Institute of National Development, National Taiwan University. He also serves as Director at the Risk Society and Policy Research Center (RSPRC), National Taiwan University, leading a team of young researchers to research and develop policy recommendations on climatechange, energy transition and social transformation, as well as on emerging technology risks such as genetic modification, nanotechnology, information and communications, and artificial intelligence. He has a PhD in Sociology from the University of Munich, after graduating with a bachelor's in Sociology at the National Taiwan University in 1992, and a master's in 1994. Under the tutelage of one of the greatest thinkers in contemporary social thought Ulrich Beck, Professor Chou has dedicated himself to advocating for the creation and transformation toward a “risk society”in Taiwan and East Asia. Professor Chou believes that therisk governance deadlock and political distrust that has developed over the last 10 years, as well as the disruption in the connection between academia and society, require societies to embark on expeditious transformation, otherwise which our societies would not be able to cope with the scale of societal, economic, environment and technological changes which will surpass that of the 20th century. Some of the most recent representative works by Professor Chou include book publications, Paradigm Shift of the Risk Society – Constructing Responsible Governance for Citizens in 2014, Sociology of Climate Change: the High Carbon Society and its transformation challenge in 2017, Energy Transition in East Asia – A Social Science Perspective in 2018, and Climate Change Governance in Asia in 2020.

Representative Publications

Lin, M. X., Liou, H. M. & Chou, K. T. (2020) National Energy Transition Framework toward SDG7 with Legal Reforms and Policy Bundles: The Case of Taiwan and its Comparison with Japan, Energies, 2020, 13, 1387, page 1-20. 

Chung, M. K., Lu, D. J., Tsai, B. W., & Chou, K. T. (2019). Assessing Effectiveness of PPGIS on Protected Areas by Governance Quality: A Case Study of Community-Based Monitoring in Wu-Wei-Kang Wildlife Refuge, Taiwan. Sustainability, 11(15), 4154-4173. 

Chou, K. T., Walther, D., & Liou, H. M. (2019). The Conundrums of Sustainability: Carbon Emissions and Electricity Consumption in the Electronics and Petrochemical Industries in Taiwan. Sustainability, 11(20), 5664-5686. 

Lin, M. X., Lee, T. Y., & Chou, K. T. (2018). The Environmental Policy Stringency in Taiwan and Its Challenges on Green Economy Transition. Development and Society, 47(3), 477-502.

Fan, M. F., & Chou, K. T. (2017). Environmental justice in a transitional and transboundary context in East Asia. In The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Justice (pp. 615-626). Routledge.

Chou, K. T. (2015). From anti-pollution to climate change risk movement: Reshaping civic epistemology. Sustainability, 7(11), 14574-14596.






《氣候變遷社會學-高碳社會及其轉型挑戰》 本書擴延探討氣候治理議題,指出,氣候變遷不但是跨領域的自然與社會科學議題,同時也是跨空間、跨疆界、大尺度的衝擊,面對此全球跨界風險(global transboundary risks)挑戰,就科技、風險與社會研究上,需要建構新的方法論,打造創新的風險治理典範。本書第一個面向,試圖從台灣的經濟產業發展結構連結全球氣候排碳元素,來分析自1980年代以來在地社會高耗能與高污染工業的政策形塑;對應此,探討環境運動典範如何從反污染運動在1990年代末期、至2010年前後轉向氣候變遷風險運動。第二個面向,則以此重大的轉型,分析台灣社會在治理面向如何逐步的進入社會強健性(social robustness):公民如何建構其系統、強健的風險知識,來監督與對抗國家的不當開發案。

Energy Transition in East Asia: A Social Scientific Perspective.  此為與 Routledge Publisher合作規劃的Risk Governance in Asia 系列叢書之一,企圖探討東亞的還境、能源治理,啟動cosmopolitan governance在亞洲的特性研究。本人集結日本、南韓、台灣學者,針對三個國家能源轉型所面對的各種結構性挑戰,包括政治、社會、科技之各種利益叢結(interest complex),以及地方能源自主、環境運動等進行分析,企圖探討東亞國家之能源治理的共同性與差異性。周教授於本書所貢獻的〈Tri-helix Movement of Energy Transition in Taiwan〉,說明台灣在能源轉型過程中面對能源燃料的選擇(第一個螺旋)、產業轉型運動(第二個螺旋)、空污治理運動(第三個螺旋)。從這三螺旋的運動中進一步分析台灣、南韓與日本同時遭遇路徑依賴的能源決策,其產生的鎖入效應(locked-in effect)嚴重遲滯能源轉型的步伐。

Climate Change Governance in Asia.  此為與 Routledge Publisher合作規劃的Risk Governance in Asia 系列叢書之二,進一步探討亞洲的氣候治理,並深化cosmopolitan governance在亞洲的特性研究。本書以亞洲作為全球高碳經濟體區域,探討各國之氣候變遷、減碳之治理困境與挑戰;中國貢獻98億頓二氧化碳(9.8 billion metric tons),排名全球第一;印度貢獻24億噸,排名第三;日本貢獻12億噸,排名第五;南韓貢獻6.1億噸,排名第七;泰國貢獻3.3億噸,排名二十;臺灣在一千萬人口以上國家人均排碳約10.8噸,排名第八。本書透過各國治理分析,探討其路徑依賴(path dependency)問題,如何構成各國的經濟與社會被鎖定在既有的高碳、褐色經濟、能源體制中,而面臨轉型的困境。從這些結構性問題,本書初步的進行了世界主義治理可行性的分析,嘗試揭露在全球化下各國經濟競爭的脈絡中,要進行全球治理體制的合作與轉型,尤其面對氣候災難的威脅,仍有相當程度的困難性。而此,凸顯全球氣候治理轉型中亞洲的問題特性與亞洲障礙,將構成動態的反匱圈((dynamic feedback loop)影響全世界。

  • Affiliation:
    Graduate Institute of National Development, National Taiwan University
  • Ph.D.
    Institute of Sociology,
    University of Munich, Germany (1999)
  • M.S.
    Depart. of Sociology,
    National Taiwan University, Taiwan (1994)
  • B.A.
    Depart. of Sociology,
    National Taiwan University, Taiwan (1992)
  • (02)3366-3328

