Wu, Chia-Fang吳佳芳
Assistant Research Fellow
Research Interests
My research lies in the fields of clinical analytical chemistry and molecular epidemiology in environmental and occupational medicine, focused on investigating the health effects of emerging environmental pollutants using human biomonitoring from a public health perspective. I am interested in studying (1) Interdisciplinary Health Risk Assessment: integrating external environmental data such as heat indices, air quality, urbanization…etc., with the Taiwan’s Maternal Infant Cohorts (TMICs) established by my research team that will enable us to know how key environmental factors affect pregnant women and infants in the context of climate change and propose effective mitigation strategies; (2) Heat Injury Biomarker Research: establishing a core analytical platform to measure biomarkers associated with heat stress in human, such as heat shock proteins, pro-inflammatory cytokines and cortisol as well as the major health indicators in early kidney injury markers, utilizing occupational cohort; and (3) International collaborations on adducts-related research: I have been working with Prof Robert J Turesky from the Masonic Cancer Center at the University of Minnesota focusing on the innovative use of biologically effective biomarkers in DNA adductomics, which is the study of adducts that uniquely form between toxins and biological molecules in humans. My research emphasizes providing scientific data to address concrete environmental health issue.
Representative Publications
Li SS, Chen JJ, Su MW, Lin R, Chen CC, Wang YH, Liu CC, Tsai YC, Hsieh TJ, Wu MT, Wu CF*. (2023) Sex-specified interactive effect of melamine and DEHP on the marker of early kidney damage in the community-dwelling adults: A national population-based study from Taiwan Biobank. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf 263: 115208.
Konorev D, Bellamri M, Wu CF, Wu MT, Turesky RJ. (2023) High-field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry analysis of carcinogenic aromatic amines in tobacco smoke with an orbitrap tribrid mass spectrometer. Chem Res in Toxicol 36: 1419-1426.
Prakasham K, Gurrani S, Wu CF*(co-corresponding), Wu MT, Hsieh TJ, Peng CY, Huang PC, Krishman A, Tsai PC, Lin YC, Tsai B, Lin YC, Ponnusamy VK*. (2023) Rapid identification and monitoring of cooking oil fume-based toxic volatile organic aldehydes in lung tissue for predicting exposure level and cancer risks. Chemosphere 339: 139704.
Hsu YM (co-first), Wu CF (co-first), Huang MZ, Shiea J, Pan CH, Liu CC, Chen CC, Wang YH, Cheng CM, Wu MT. (2022) Avatar-like body imaging of dermal exposure to melamine in factory workers analyzed by ambient mass spectrometry. Chemosphere 303: 134896.
Wu CF (co-first), Liu CC (co-first), Tsai YC, Chen CC, Wu MT, Hsieh TJ. (2021) Diminishment of Nrf2 antioxidative defense aggravates nephrotoxicity of melamine and oxalate coexposure. Antioxidants 10: 1464.
Wu CF*, Cheng CM, Hsu YM, Li SS, Huang CY, Chen YH, Kuo FC, Wu MT. (2020). Development of analytical method of melamine in placenta from pregnant women by isotope dilution liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 34(suppl 1): e8599.
Wu CF, Hsiung CA, Tsai HJ, Chen BH, Hu CW, Huang YL, Wu MT. (2020) Reverses in urinary di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) metabolites and biomarkers of oxidative stress in children exposed to DEHP-tainted foods in Taiwan in 2011: A 44-month follow up. Environ Pollut 266: 115204.
Wu CF, Chen HM, Sun CW, Chen ML, Hsieh CJ, Wang SL, Wu MT. (2018) Cohort profile: Taiwan Maternal and Infant Cohort Study (TMICS) of phthalate exposure and health risk assessment. Int J Epidemiol 47: 1047-1047j.
Lin PI (co-first), Wu CF (co-first), Kou HS, Huang TY, Shiea J, Wu MT. (2017) Soap and the removal of di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate from hands: N-of-1 and crossover designs. Sci Rep 7: 454.
Wu CF, Peng CY, Liu CC, Lin WY, Pan CH, Cheng CM, Hsieh HM, Hsieh TJ, Chen BH, Wu MT. (2015) Ambient melamine exposure and urinary biomarkers of early renal injury. J Am Soc Nephrol 26: 2821-2829.
Identify major health risks of melamine and implementing mitigation strategy Following the 2008 melamine-contaminated milk scandal in China, my research team identified melamine tableware as a major source of melamine exposure in daily life. We further demonstrated that replacing melamine tableware with stainless steel alternatives could reduce melamine exposure by ~68%, gaining recognition both domestically and internationally. We also used pragmatic intervention trials in engineering improvements in melamine tableware-manufacturing factory, resulting in a 70% reduction in workplace melamine exposure and a 58% decrease in workers’ oxidative stress levels. In addition to these interventions, we first using urinary melamine concentration to establish reference values for daily tolerable intake (TDI) for vulnerable population, including individuals with kidney stones, chronic kidney disease, and pregnant women, aiming to reduce the risk of kidney disease linked to melamine exposure.
Identify major health risks of phthalates such as Taiwan's Phthalate-tainted Food Scandal and implementing mitigation strategy In response to the 2011 Taiwan’s phthalate-tainted food scandal, in collaboration with Kaohsiung Medical University, we promptly established a “Phthalates Clinic for Children, PCC” with the goal of immediately analyzing urinary phthalate concentration to assess phthalate exposure in children who had consumed contaminated food, thereby providing the most accurate exposure assessment close to the time of the incident. We revealed that children under 10 years of age with higher levels of DEHP exposure had correspondingly higher concentrations of DEHP metabolites in their urine, which was associated with reduced thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. Following our government policy and our health education, a significant reduction in urinary DEHP metabolites was observed in follow-ups conducted 6 and 44 months later, along with a decrease in oxidative stress markers in children. These findings were subsequently provided to Taiwan’s NHRI and the Consumers’ Foundation as scientific evidence to support public health policies aimed at reducing environmental exposure to phthalates. We now continue monitoring their long-term health consequences.
Establish Taiwan Maternal and Infant Cohort Study (TMICS) and its food safety-related research Following the 2011 phthalate-tainted food scandal, we established the Taiwan Maternal and Infant Cohort Study (TMICS), providing critical scientific evidence showing that DEHP and other phthalate exposure levels among pregnant women in Taiwan had significantly decreased, although low-level exposure remained. We continued to develop a long-term database to monitor environmental exposures and health impacts on pregnant women and their offspring, aiming to protect child health and prevent exposure to environmental pollutants. I also focused on different biospecimens such as placenta tissue closer to real exposure to link environmental exposures and health outcomes between the mother and developing fetus. Furthermore, the research led to practical preventive strategies, such as showing that washing hands with soap could reduce phthalate exposure on hands by 95% , offering a simple yet effective method to lower phthalate exposure in children.
International Collaborations on adducts-related research I have been working with Professor Robert J Turesky from the Masonic Cancer Center at the University of Minnesota focusing on the innovative use of biologically effective biomarkers in DNA adductomics, which is the study of adducts that uniquely form between toxins and biological molecules in humans. We have received an international R01 project funded by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), spanning five years since 2019, entitled “DNA adductome of human bladder from tobacco exposome”. We first identified various carcinogenic compounds in smoke condensates induced differential cytotoxicity, oxidative stress, and lipid peroxidation in human bladder cell lines; additionally, high-resolution mass spectrometry was used for the first time to provide evidence of DNA damage linked to these exposures. Furthermore, I received the most prestigious award in a two-year Shackleton Breakthrough Research Grant under our Taiwan’s Ministry of Science and Technology, and have continued collaborating with Prof Turesky on the topic cooking oil fumes (COFs)-induced DNA damages that may contribute to non-smoking lung adenocarcinoma.