Lin, Yen Po林彥伯
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Research Interests
The focus of my research is to estimate paleo-seawater pH using the boron isotopic ratio of the marine carbonate. Boron isotope was widely used for seawater pH but there is still limited understanding of boron isotope fractionation in different materials. from various regions ocean. We have analyzed modern foraminifera and corals to establish local boron isotope fractionation curves, and participated in international standardization projects, measuring new synthetic marine carbonate reference materials, NIST RM 8301 (Coral) and NIST RM 8301 (Foram). We also investigated the boron isotope of the carbonate fractions in the Doushantuo Formation to evaluate the seawater pH and partial pressures of atmospheric CO2 under ultra-greenhouse conditions in the Neoproterozoic Era. We provide new evidence and relatively low pCO2 estimates for the Snowball Earth hypothesis.
Representative Publications
林彥伯、游鎮烽、鍾全雄。澎湖南方四島國家公園微孔珊瑚骨骼硼同位素組成及海洋酸化速率之評 估。國家公園學報 32(2), 30-41, 2022。
Lin, Y.P., You, C.F*., Kao, T.Y., Chung, C.H., Hung, C.C. Boron isotopic analysis of representative atmospheric aerosols derived from long-range transported/local emission on an islet Offshore NE Taiwan. Frontiers in Environmental Science Vol 9, 1-11, 2021.
Stewart, J.A., Christopher, S.J., Kucklick, J.R., Bordier, L., Chalk, T.B., Dapoigny, A., Douville, E., Foster, G.L., Gray, W.R., Greenop, R., Gutjahr, M., Hemsing, F., Henehan, M.J., Holdship, P., Hsieh, Y.T., Kolevica, A., Lin, Y.P., Mawbey, E.M., Rae, J.W.B., Robinson, L.F., Shuttleworth, R., You, C.F., Zhang S., Day, R.D.NIST RM 8301 Boron isotopes in marine carbonate (Simulated Coral and foraminifera solutions): Inter-laboratory delta B-11 and trace element ratio value assignment B and trace element ratio value assignment. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 45 (1), 77–96, 2020.
Wang, T.H., You C.F*., Chung, C.H., Liu, H.C., Lin, Y.P.. Macro-sublimation: Purification of boron in low-concentration geological samples for isotopic determination by MC-ICP MS. Microchemical Journal 152, 2019.
Lin, Y.P., Chen, Y. C., You, C.F*., Liu, H.C., Chung, C.H., Wang, T.H. Isotopic Compositions of Pb in river water, sediments, and bedrock soils in the Erren River, southwestern Taiwan. Soil Pollution: Sources, Management Strategies and Health Effects (Nova Science Publishers), Chap. 3, 2018.
Evaluation of Boron oceanic pH change and its environmental significance recorded in the Doushantuo formation nearby Precambrian-Cambrian boundary We investigated the boron isotope of the carbonate fractions in the Doushantuo Formation to evaluate the seawater pH and partial pressures of atmospheric CO2 under ultra-greenhouse conditions in the Neoproterozoic Era. The δ11B values from the Chuanyandong section with a negative δ11B excursion during the Marinoan deglacial period. The global and synchronous δ11B offset were intercepted in global ocean acidification events in previous studies. We modified the traditional method to precisely estimate ocean pH from the δ11B. We excluded the pH error caused by terrigenous weathering and the artificial estimation δ11B of Neoproterozoic oceans. We re-evaluate the pH of seawater and pCO2 in the aftermath of the Marinoan glaciation. These pCO2 values are much lower than those reported in previous studies. In this study, we provide new evidence and relatively low pCO2 estimates for the Snowball Earth hypothesis.
Boron Isotopic Analysis of Representative Atmospheric Aerosols on an Islet Offshore NE Taiwan, Peng Chia Yu To identify pollutant origins and their potential sources from either long-range transported (LRT) or local emissions, the Boron (B) concentrations and the B isotopic compositions (δ11B) in the water-soluble fraction of aerosols were determined. These aerosols were collected from an islet offshore in northeastern Taiwan, Peng Chia Yu (PCY), a nonresidential islet, from January 1998 to March 2000. This islet may be influenced by various pollutants or chemical transport during monsoon periods, but suffers minimal human perturbation locally. A two end-member mixing scenario is proposed to explain our observations using the obtained δ11B and 1/[B] results. The ocean endmember is characterized by high 1/[B] and high δ11B; while other endmember is from continental endmember or anthropogenic contributions that are characterized by of 1/[B] and low δ11B (δ11B < 10‰). Based on these chemical and isotopic results, we found aerosol emissions in northern Taiwan are characterized as low B with nearly constant δ11B, when compared with long-range transported continental endmembers derived from nearby regions. This study provides preliminary B and δ11B levels in aerosols derived from LRT/local emissions and discusses potential monsoonal effects on aerosols offshore of NE Taiwan.