Lin, Hao-Chih林浩之
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Research Interests
My research is centered within the fields of limnology, ecohydrology, and biogeochemistry, with a longstanding focus on understanding the effects of extreme climate events, such as typhoons, on the dynamics of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) fluxes within ecosystems. Specifically, I'm particularly interested in examining how these events impact the horizontal transfer of C and N from terrestrial environments to aquatic ecosystems. My work is currently divided into three main areas of study: (1) The Influence of Typhoon disturbances on primary production in freshwater ecosystems: In this research, I employ a 3D hydraulic model to estimate the distribution of C and N within water bodies. By considering factors like hydraulic retention and thermal stratification, I aim to understand how typhoon disturbances affect primary production in freshwater ecosystems. This study sheds light on the resilience of these ecosystems in the face of extreme weather events. (2) Next, my work involves investigating soil quality and resilience in constructed wetlands across subtropical and tropical regions in Taiwan. This research is compared the soil quality between younger and older constructed wetlands, helping us more understand the benefits of ecosystem services and C and N cycling in constructed wetlands. (3) I’m focusing on the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission by using chamber method in paddy and cabbage farms, considering the physical, hydrological, bacteria compositions and biogeochemical processes. These studies contribute to a clearer understanding of how C and N fluxes are influenced by extreme climate events and their implications for ecosystem services in aquatic ecosystems.
Representative Publications
Peng, Y., Nakayama, K.*, Sakaguchi, J., Komai, K., Shimizu, T., Omori, J., Uno, K., Fuji, T., Lin, H. C., Tsai, J. W., Carbon capture and storage in a eutrophic reservoir, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 2024. (Submitted)
Lin, H. C., Chang, E. H., Chen, T. K. Shiau, Y. J.*, Influences of age and seasonal changing on soil quality in subtropical constructed wetlands, Environmental Research, 2024. (Submitted)
Lin, H. C., Nakayama, K., Tsai, J. W., Chiu, C. Y., Conceptual models of dissolved carbon fluxes in a two-layer stratified lake: interannual typhoon responses under extreme climates, Biogeosciences, 20, 4359–4376, October, 2023. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-20-4359-2023
Nakamoto, K., Nakayama. , K., Komai, K., Matsumoto, H., Watanabe, K., Kubo, A., Tada, K., Maruya, Y., Yano., S., Tsai, J. W., Lin, H. C., Vilas, M., Hipsey, M., A spatially integrated dissolved inorganic carbon (SiDIC) model for aquatic ecosystems considering submerged vegetation, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, e2022JG007032, February, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JG007032
Nakayama, K., Kawahara, Y., Kurimoto, Y., Tada, K., Lin, H. C., Hung, M. C., Tsai, J. W., Effects of oyster aquaculture on carbon capture and removal in a tropical mangrove lagoon in southwestern Taiwan. Science of The Total Environment, 838, 156460, September, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156460
Lin, H. C., Chiu, C. Y., Tsai, J. W., Tada, K., Matsumoto, H., Nakayama, K., Hydraulic retention effect and typhoon disturbance impact carbon flux in shallow subtropical mountain lakes. Science of the Total Environment, Vol 803, No. 10, January, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150044
Lin, H. C., Chiu, C. Y., Tsai, J. W., Liu, W. C., Tada, K., Nakayama, K., Influence of thermal stratification on seasonal net ecosystem production and dissolved inorganic carbon in a shallow subtropical lake, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, Vol. 126, No. 4, e2020JG005907, March, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JG005907
Lin, H. C., Nakayama, K., Effect of typhoon on carbon flux in a shallow stratified lake, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers Ser B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), Vol. 77, No. 2, August, 2021. https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejhe.77.2_I_1051
Nakayama, K., Komai, K., Tada, K., Lin, H. C., Yajima, H., Yano, S., Tsai, J. W., Modeling dissolved inorganic carbon considering submerged aquatic vegetation. Ecological Modelling, Vol. 431, 109188, June, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2020.109188
Chiu, C. Y., Jones, J. R., Rusak, J. A., Lin, H. C., Nakayama, K., Kratz, T. K., Tsai, J. W., Terrestrial loads of dissolved organic matter drive inter-annual carbon flux in subtropical lakes during times of drought. Science of the Total Environment, Vol.717, 137052, February, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137052
Typhoon disturbances impact on primary production in aquatic ecosystems My work involves using a 3D hydraulic model (Fantom) alongside data on water quality, climate, and bathymetry to simulate how typhoon disturbances affect primary production in small lakes and coastal lagoons [1,2]. Through this research, I've achieved two main goals. (1) I've developed a conceptual model that considers both physical and biogeochemical processes, giving us a better understanding and prediction of primary production. (2) I've used this model to estimate carbon fluxes over multiple years, comparing typhoon and non-typhoon years in a small mountain lake [3]. These findings help us understand how typhoon disturbances impact primary production in aquatic ecosystems.
Reference: [1] Lin et al, 2021 and 2022. [2] Nakayama et al.2020 and 2022. [3] Lin et al, 2023.
The resilience of soil quality in constructed wetlands Constructed wetlands, an ecological engineering technique widely used in recent decades to treat anthropogenic wastewater. These wetlands use aquatic plants to absorb nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus from water. However, there's a lack of information about soil carbon dynamics in constructed wetlands, especially in subtropical regions where data is rare. To bridge this knowledge gap, my current research involves comparing older (~20 years old) and younger (~5-10 years old) constructed wetlands in terms of carbon fluxes, soil quality, and soil degradation. This study aims to provide a better understanding of the additional ecological benefits and values that constructed wetlands might offer aside from wastewater treatment.
The regimes of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission, soil chemical, and microorganism compositions in agriculture ecosystems According to Taiwan’s greenhouse gas emissions inventory, agriculture emits around 3,200 kilotons-CO₂ equivalent, with rice cultivation, farming practices, and fertilization contributing about half of the total agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, we use an automated closed chamber system to monitor gas emissions from rice paddy. We also investigate soil chemical and microbial changes in farmlands soil to clarify emission regimes and further provide effective nature-based solutions (NbS).