Jou, Sue-Ching周素卿
Joint Appointment Research Fellow
Research Interests
My research interests include urban studies, cross-border investment and smart living technology. My recent research and publications have focused on the corporate landscapes and mega-projects of the global cities in East Asian countries.
Representative Publications
Jou, S-C*, J-C Lu and C-E Tsern (2021) Development of Ecological Parks and Their Contexts: Environmental Embeddedness and Social Characteristics of Taipei’s Ecological Parks, City and Planning, 48 (1). (in Chinese)
Phan, T L, S-C Jou and J-H Lin (2019) Gender inequality and adaptive capacity: The role of social capital in the impacts of climate change in Vietnam, Sustainability 2019, 11 (5), 1257; https://doi.org/10.3390/su11051257.
Jou, S-C* and S-M Huang (2018) Planning pedagogy and practices in transition: Taiwan’s young planners and their challenges of finding purpose in planning, In: T. Tasan-Kok and M. Oranje (eds.) From Planning Student to Urban Planner: Young Practitioners’ Reflections on Contemporary Ethical Challenges, London: Routledge, Chapter 19, pp. 269-284.
Jou, S-C, E. Clark and H-W Chen (2016) Gentrification and revanchist urbanism in Taipei? Urban Studies, 53 (3): 560-576. Special issue article: Locating Gentrification in East Asia. (published Online First 2014/07/17).
On the development plans of old and new city districts Over the past ten years, I have continued my research on the policies of Taipei City and have carried out research on the development plans of old and new city districts. With regard to the development of old districts, I have examined the nature of urban renewal policies of Taipei and the institutional arrangements, which have been implemented over the past one and half decades. In addition, I have studied the developmental processes in an old district from the perspective of historical analysis. I have also used a case study area to examine the social production of a slum community to reveal the relations of market forces and state intervention to the production of social marginalization within the city. Regarding the development of new districts, using Xinyi Center and Nankang Software Park as examples, I have analyzed how policies have been initiated and implemented under the power struggle among central government, local government and business conglomerate. In recent years, my research has focused on the Xinyi District of Taipei, integrating political economy and cultural studies to discuss the global and local forces within the production of material and symbolic forms in this new city center, the home of Taipei 101.
High-rise buildings Moreover, because high-rise buildings, especially skyscrapers, have become the landmarks of major global cities, both forming and representing their cityscapes, they have transformed from merely spectacular real estate commodities to conspicuous monumental structures. Two years ago I started working on three global cities in the Greater China region—Taipei, Hong Kong and Shanghai—to analyze the production networks of those high-rise buildings located in each city, and to see how the production of high-rise buildings has become a global enterprise in each city. In the coming three years I will study the urban policies and mega-projects of major East Asian cities, including Taipei, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Tokyo and Seoul-Incheon, to examine how these Asian cities situate themselves in global-city competition under the rubric of neo-liberal policy and investment environments.
Overseas investment In studies on overseas investment, through cooperation with industries, I have studied the production networks of Taiwanese investors in Southeast Asia and China. Since 1998, I have interviewed over 300 Taiwanese corporations. My published research is primarily on the international processes of those Taiwanese corporations and their territorial production networks. The research first takes the example of large Taiwan electronics industries investing in Malaysia to explain the particulars of the overseas investment of corporations from the first-tier newly developed countries in the second-tier ones, especially how they build the local supply chain and sustain production management in foreign sites. These multinational production investments prompted the growth and international experience of Taiwan corporations. Moreover, through comparative analyses of different Taiwan industries in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam, and the integrated analyses of Taiwan corporations in Southeast Asia and China, the transplantation and particulars of overseas territorial production networks are explained.