Environmental Resilience & Sustainability Research Group - societal network

Lyudao’s Transformation: Stakeholders’ Path to Harmony with Nature
In the "Establishment of the long-term social-ecological observatory core facility in Green Island (2022-2024)" project, the research aims to explore a harmonious vision for Green Island. Through stakeholder interviews, workshops, and photo elicitation, the project seeks to propose a "One Earth Solution" for transforming Green Island into a city where people and nature coexist in harmony. The goal is to shape Green Island into a shared living environment and meeting place for humans and nature.
Stakeholders in Taiwan’s Drought and Water Resource Issues
Dr. Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Distinguished Research Fellow of the Research Center for Environmental Changes, served as the principal investigator of the Taiwan Drought Study: Change, Water Resource Impacts, and Risk Perception and Communication Project. At the beginning of the project design (i.e., the design of Subproject 4: Stakeholder Risk Perception and Communication), in-depth interviews were employed to define the stakeholders of drought and water resource issues. Furthermore, the scientific information needs of stakeholders in research on climate change and drought were identified, and these stakeholders’ opinions were incorporated into the major project to modify its implementation. Finally, relevant communication activities were organized for the public sector, experts and scholars, the industrial sector, the agricultural sector (farmers), and the general public to facilitate communication of the project results with the stakeholders.
