2022.11.08 14:00-15:30
EC building 1F
Prof. Zbyněk Sokol
Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Science
Meteorological observatory Milešovka
– centrum of cloud observations and modelling
Zbyněk Sokol, Jana Popová, Petr Pešice, Kateřina Skripniková
Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Science
The Milešovka meteorological observatory (50◦3301700N, 13◦5505700E, 837 m a.s.l.), which is operated by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, is located in the northern part of the Czech Republic (Central Europe) at the top of the Milešovka mountain, the landmark of the Bohemian Central Highlands. The observatory provides routine and specific meteorological and climatological measurements since 1905, which makes the observatory unique in the European context. In the last years, the Milešovka observatory was equipped by Doppler polarimetric X-band radar and Doppler polarimetric Ka-band vertical profiler, which has enabled us to focus on studies of vertical cloud structures. We will present the use of radar measurements to deepen the current knowledge about cloud structures and about evolution of the electric field in clouds. Further, we will show simulations of the development of electric field in convective clouds using Cloud Electrification Model (CEM) that we embedded in the Wisconsin Dynamic Cloud Model (WISCDYMM-II) in cooperation with Prof. P. Wang. Finally, we will present an analysis and simulations of the unique winter thunderstorm that occurred directly above the Milešovka observatory this year.