2022.12.14 14:00-16:00
2034 Meeting Room
Professor Joshua Fu
Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Tennessee
ONLINE 14:00 (13:30 上線測試 / Testing network connectivity)
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Chancellor’s Professor, University of Tennessee
Joint Appointed Professor, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Chair Professor, National Central University
Dr. Joshua S. Fu is Chancellor’s Professor, the John D. Tickle Professor of Engineering, James G. Gibson Professor in Climate Change, and Professor of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and an Inaugural Professor of the UT-ORNL Bredesen Center Energy Science and Engineering at the University of Tennessee, and Joint Appointment Professor in the Computational Sciences and Engineering Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The focus of Fu’s research work includes air pollution, climate change, energy, and human health. Current research focuses are using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) in Supercomputing and GPU Machines with Earth system models for the integration of engineering and Earth systems science, water and energy, and human health. Dr. Fu is the Vice-Chair of the Scientific Steering Committee and Expert Group of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)’s Measurement-Model Fusion for the Global Total Atmospheric Deposition (MMF-GTAD) Initiative. He also serves several international modeling leaderships under UN’s organizations, representing the U.S. Global Change Research Program under the Office of Science and Technology Policy in the White House to serve as an expert in the Arctic Council Arctic Monitoring Assessment Programme Short-life Climate Forcers Expert Group. Dr. Fu has received numerous awards from national and international associations and an elected Fellow of AAAS and A&WMA, Board-Certified Environmental Engineering Member of American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists, and other distinguished and endowed professor awards. Dr. Fu has published more than 185 refereed journal articles including PNAS, Nature’s journals such as Nature Energy, a most cited article by the Elsevier Publisher and more than 120 conference proceedings, more than 200 invited talks and keynotes, and serving journal editors. Dr. Fu obtained his BS from National Cheng Kung University, M.S. from the University of California at Los Angeles, and Ph.D. from North Carolina State University.