Forecaster Demonstrations of the New Generation of Operational Satellites at the NOAA Testbeds and GOES-R Satellite Proving Ground

2016.03.21 10:30-08:00

2034 Meeting Room

Dr. Steven Goodman

NOAA/NESDIS GOES-R Program Office, Greenbelt, MD, USA

The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-R series will provide a significant advancement in observing capabilities with an enhanced imager, the first of its kind lightning mapper, and space weather instruments when launched in October 2016. These new observations offer major advancements in spatial, spectral, and temporal resolutions. To ensure user readiness, forecasters and other users must have access to prototype advanced products and training well before launch, and have the opportunity to provide feedback to research application developers. A prelaunch operational assessment is critical to ensure that the end products and NOAA’s computing and communications systems truly meet user needs in a rapidly evolving environment.

The GOES-R Proving Ground (GRPG) engages the National Weather Service (NWS) forecasters in pre-operational demonstrations of select products with the planned GOES-R attributes (enhanced spectral, spatial, and temporal resolution). In the , developers and forecasters test and apply algorithms for new GOES-R satellite data and products using proxy and simulated data sets, including observations from current and future satellite instruments (Himawari-8, MODIS, AIRS, IASI, SEVIRI, S-NPP VIIRS, TRMM LIS), lightning networks, and computer simulated products.

The products tested in 2015-2016 with direct application to Nowcasting and integrated decision support services include: super rapid scan 1-min cloud imagery, total lightning observations, convective initiation, cloud top cooling rate, enhanced “V”/overshooting top detection, and moisture and stability products. This presentation will highlight recent demonstrations with forecasters and user feedback on the operational value of the new capabilities from participants at the NOAA Testbeds.

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Steven Goodman is the Senior Scientist for the NOAA GOES-R series satellite program. His research interests include the global distribution and variability of thunderstorms, lightning and precipitation physics, and the application of space-based remote sensing to improve the short-range forecasts and warnings of severe storms. As the Senior Program Scientist for the GOES-R Program, he serves as the primary science authority for the United States next generation geostationary environmental satellite program, a joint agency development managed by NOAA and NASA. Following a 20-year career with NASA and prior to joining the GOES-R Program Office, he served as the Deputy Director of the NESDIS Office for Satellite Research and Applications and as the Acting Deputy Director for the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation. He is a past recipient of the NASA Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievement and a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society.
