2018 Scientific Steering Committee meeting and Training Workshop
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GEOTRACES (http://www.geotraces.org/) is one of the most active and successful international oceanography programs globally. Its major objectives are to explore the distribution, sources, cycling processes and mechanisms for TEI (Trace Elements & Isotopes), to quantify their input and output, and to apply TEI as tracers for material cycling in the ocean. The program has received tremendous achievements and numerous important findings in marine TEI geochemistry and biogeochemistry since its inauguration in 2010. More than 30 countries, including Taiwan, have joined the program and carried out related studies regionally or globally with governmental support. Over 104 large scale cross-basin cruises and several tenths of process studies have been executed in the global ocean (Figure). More than 1,000 scientific papers have been published. Moreover, GEOTRACES has released two intermediate data products (2014 & 2017 IDP). The high quality data have comprehensively promoted the research and teaching in the related fields. Scientific steering committee (SSC) meeting is the most important meeting for GEOTRACES, laying out its future development and direction, promoting the related activities regionally and globally, reviewing data quality, et al. This month, about 30 members from 16 countries will come to Academia Sinica to attend 2018 SSC meeting. RCEC has also taken the advantage of the distinguished oceanographers’ visit to hold a training workshop on July 26th at Academia Sinica. The workshop topics include GEOTRACE IDP, TEI sampling and analysis, the application of ODV (Ocean Data View), and the forum of PM 2.5 Marine Biogeochemistry. The workshop is open to researchers and students who are interested in the topics. The registration website is: https://goo.gl/forms/nWgCifbQwNRRKTN73
Time: July 23~26 (Monday to Thursday), 2018
Venue: The Archives, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica Organizer: GEOTRACES IPO, SCOR, RCEC (Academia Sinica) Co-organizer: Taiwan MOST, Taiwan Ocean Affairs Council, Academia Sinica Contact: Dr. Tung-Yuan Ho, +886-2-2653-9885, tyho@gate.sinica.edu.tw