“Public Health and the Environment in a Sustainable Society”Special Forum
Release date:
Time: 14:30-16:20, Monday, April 2nd, 2018
Location:The Second Conference Room, Building for Humanities & Social Sciences, Academia Sinica Organizers: Academia Sinica / National Cheng Kung University Co-Organizers: Ministry of Science and Technology, Executive Yuan / the Tang Prize Foundation Organizing Committee: Academician Chao-Han Liu / Distinguished Research Fellow & Director Pao-Kuan Wang, RCEC, Academia Sinica Panelists: Madam Gro Harlem Brundtland, 2014 Tang Prize in Sustainable Development / Academician Shaw Chen Liu, Academia Sinica / President Huey-Jen Jenny Su, National Cheng Kung University / Dean Chang Chuan Chan, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University Hosted by Distinguished Research Fellow & Director Pao-Kuan Wang, RCEC, Academia Sinica Academia Sinica jointly with National Cheng Kung University, Ministry of Science and Technology, Executive Yuan, and Tang Prize Foundation are pleased to announce the “Public Health and the Environment in a Sustainable Society” Special Forum. We have the honor inviting Madam Gro Harlem Brundtland as our special panelist to share her insights on sustainable society. Madam Brundtland, a world-renowned pioneer in sustainable development, is one of the most active leading voices for the criticality of developing a sustainable human society. Our distinguished panelists include Academician Shaw Chen Liu, Academia Sinica; President Huey-Jen Jenny Su, National Cheng Kung University; and Dean Chang Chuan Chan, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University. We look forward to your attendance to this memorable event. Please bring your own mug with you to reduce the use of disposal utensils. Registration is compulsory and is available at https://goo.gl/hvnLaF Should you have any questions, please contact Ms. Alice Chen at (02) 2653-9885 #854 / mjchen@gate.sinica.edu.tw or
Mr. Ray Lee at (02) 2653-9885 #278 / crlee@gate.sinica.edu.tw Madam Brundtland’s CV (Download)