Research Domain/
Physics of the Oceans and the Atmosphere
Research Domain/
Physics of the Oceans and the Atmosphere
John P. Burrows
Professor of the Physics of the Ocean and Atmosphere and Director of the Institutes of Environmental Physics and Remote Sensing at the University of Bremen. A fellow of the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), part of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
Research Domain/
Regional and High Resolution Earth System Modeling; Climate Modeling and Climate Feedbacks; Cloud Microphysics and Aerosol Indirect Effects
Andrew Gettelman
Senior Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), USA New: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA (from Nov. 8th,2022)
Research Domain/
Decadal variability and predictability of climate; Tropical inter annual climate variability and predictability; Extra-tropical ocean-atmosphere interaction; Super climate modelling; Climate-based predictions of marine ecosystems
Noel Keenlyside
Professor, Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen (UiB), Norway
Research Domain/
Study of science-policy interactions; examination of weather storms their impacts and predictability; relationships between human health and weather, natural hazards research.
Gordon McBean
Professor Emeritus, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction at Western University’s Department of Geography.
Research Domain/
Climate Dynamics, Atmospheric General Circulation, Air-Sea Interaction, Extreme Weather
中村 尚
Professor, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology,The University of Tokyo, Japan
Research Domain/
Physical/ Analytical Chemistry, Atmospheric and Environmental Materials
Kimberly Prather
Distinguished professor, Distinguished Chair in Atmospheric Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, USA
Research Domain/
Chemical Oceanography, Limnology and Hydrology
Peter H. Santschi
Distinguished Professor, Department of Marine Sciences, Texas A&M University, USA
Research Domain/
Study the global cycles of biologically active elements, in particular, nitrogen and carbon, the development of analytical techniques for studying nitrogen in the environment
Daniel Sigman
Dusenbury Professor of Geological and Geophysical Sciences at Princeton University, USA
Research Domain/
The assessment of population exposures that occur in homes, offices, schools and during transit, as well as in the outdoor environment.
John D. Spengler(Chair)
Akira Yamaguchi Professor of Environmental Health and Human Habitation, Dept. of Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Harvard University, USA
Research Domain/
Sailing-type floating offshore wind plant; GHG reduction in marine transportation
Ken Takagi
Professor/ Department of Ocean Technology, Policy and Environment Graduate School, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Research Domain/
Reaction Kinetics, Field Studies, Global and regional Modeling
Andreas Wahner
Professor/ Director of the Institute for Energy and Climate Research IEK-8: Troposphere
Research Domain/
Global Change Research, Environmental Sustainability
Hassan Virji
Independent Scholar/ retired, maintain relationship with Hiroshima University as Senior Advisor to VP for Global Cooperation and Outreach.