Tsai, I-C., S.-W. Yang, C.-J. Shiu, Y.-Y. Chen, C.-A. Chen, W.-L. Lee, and H.-H. Hsu, 2024: Aerosol Impacts on the East Asian Winter Monsoon: Insights from TaiESM1 and CMIP6 Simulations. International Journal of Climatology, 44(9), 2816–2832. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.8483
Tsai, I-C., P.-R. Hsieh, H.-H. Hsu, Y.-S. Tung, Y.-M. Chen, and C.-T. Cheng, 2024a: Climate Change-induced Impact on PM2.5 in Taiwan under 2 and 4 °C Global Warming. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 15(6), 120106, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apr.2024.102106.
Wu, C.-H., S.-Y. Lee, I-C. Tsai, C.-J. Shiu, Y.-Y. Chen, 2023: Volcanic contribution to the 1990s North Pacific climate shift in winter. Scientific Reports, 13 (1), 5672.
Wu, C.-H., C.-J. Shiu, Y.-Y. Chen, I-C. Tsai, S.-Y. Lee, 2023: Climatological changes in East Asian winter monsoon circulation in a warmer future, Atmospheric Research, 284, 106593, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106593.
Tsai, I-C., L.-S. Shu, J.-P. Chen, P.-R. Hsieh, and C.-T. Cheng, 2022: Projecting ozone impact on crop yield in Taiwan under climate warming. Science of the Total Environment, 846(2022), 157437, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157437.
S.-Y. Lee, S.-C. C. Lung, P.-G. Chiu, W.-C. Wang, I-C. Tsai, T.-H. Lin, 2022: Northern hemisphere urban heat stress and associated labor hour hazard from ERA5 reanalysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2022, 19, 8163. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19138163
Tsai, I-C.*, P.-R. Hsieh, H. C. Cheung, and C. C.-K. Chou, 2021: Aerosol impacts on fog microphysics over the western side of Taiwan Strait in April from 2015 to 2017, Atmospheric Environment, 118523,
Tsai, I-C.*, C.-Y. Lee, S.-C. C. Lung, C.-W. Su, 2021: Characterization of the vehicle emissions in the Greater Taipei Area through vision-based traffic analysis system and its impacts on urban air quality, Science of the Total Environment, 782(2021), 146571, ISSN 0048-9697.
Lee, W.-L., Y.-C. Wang, C.-J. Shiu, I-C. Tsai, C.-Y. Tu, Y.-Y. Lan, J.-P. Chen, H.-L. Pan, and H.-H. Hsu, 2020: Taiwan Earth System Model Version 1: description and evaluation of mean state, Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 3887–3904.
Zhang, L., T.-M. Fu, H. Tian, Y. Ma, J.-P. Chen, T.-C. Tsai, I-C. Tsai, Z. Meng, X. Yang. 2020: Anthropogenic Aerosols Significantly Reduce Mesoscale Convective System Occurrences and Precipitation over Southern China in April, Geophysical Research Letters. 47, e2019GL086204.
Wu, C.-H., I-C. Tsai, P.-C. Tsai and Y.-S. Tung, 2019: Large-Scale Seasonal Control of Air Quality in Taiwan, Atmospheric Environment, 214, 116868.
Huang C.-C., S.-H. Chen, Y.-C. Lin, K. Earl, T. Matsui, H.-H. Lee, I-C. Tsai, J.-P. Chen, C.-T. Cheng, 2019: Impacts of Dust-Radiation versus Dust-Cloud Interactions on the Development of a Modeled Mesoscale Convective System over North Africa. Monthly Weather Review, 147, 3301–3326.
Tsai, I-C.*, W.-Y. Chen, J.-P. Chen, and M.-C. Liang, 2019: Kinetic mass-transfer calculation of water isotope fractionation due to cloud microphysics in a regional meteorological model, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 1753-1766.
本研究透過高解析度模擬評估氣候變遷對臺灣的影響,首先,我們觀察到都市地區的熱浪發生次數增加速度顯著快於其他地區,突顯出都市地區的高脆弱性,而森林地區則相對不易受到全球變暖的影響。其次,氣候變遷導致臺灣近地表風速減弱,進而增加空氣污染日數。最後,我們發現隨著氣候變暖,主要農作物如小麥、番茄和馬鈴薯的相對產量有所下降,並且在氣溫上升2°C情境下,臭氧引發的作物減產影響尤為明顯。然而,在4°C升溫的情境下,高溫的直接影響對作物產量的減少更具主導性。這些結果突顯了氣候變遷對臺灣環境及農業的多重影響,強調了制定針對性緩解和適應策略的必要性。(Tsai et al., 2022, 2023, 2024a)
本研究聚焦於大台北都會區,透過整合網路交通數據和基於影像的交通分析系統,以精細化交通排放清單。研究結果顯示,轎車和機車約佔總交通量的90%,且空間分佈呈現顯著差異:轎車多集中於郊區,而機車則在都市和近郊區域佔優勢。我們也發現平日和週末的交通模式差異顯著。此研究結果提升了空氣品質模式對一氧化碳與懸浮微粒濃度的掌握能力。此研究填補了關於機車交通時空分佈之文獻空缺,並指出不同車輛類型對空氣品質的影響,強調精細化交通數據整合有助於發展更有效的城市空氣品質管理策略。(Tsai et al., 2021b, 2024c)