Flash Talks and coffee hour / IES x ISS x RCEC 聯合短講(2023 夏)

2023.07.20 14:00-15:00


黃信樺 博士(地球所)/ 袁美華 博士(環變中心)/張源俊 博士(統計所)


Title: Shaky Ground Sensed by Optic Fibers: What is Changed and Ahead
地球所 黃信樺博士

Dr. Hsin-Hua Huang,

Associate Research Fellow, IES


Title: Ecosystem Service Assessment: Past Scientific Developments and Future Challenges
環變中心 袁美華博士

Dr. Mei-Hua Yuan,

Assistant Research Fellow, RCEC


To effectively manage our environment, it is crucial to have information about the condition of ecosystems, the services they provide, and their interactions with society. A better understanding of the importance of ecosystem accounting enables us to make informed decisions that conserve and restore ecosystems, ensuring their sustained benefits for future generations. This talk will attempt to provide a comprehensive perspective on the current and potential future challenges associated with ecosystem accounting. It will also explore how ecosystem accounting can be integrated into decision-making processes.

Title: Coffee, Music, and Academic Taste—A Statistician’s Viewpoints
統計所 張源俊博士

Dr. Yuan-chin Ivan Chang,

Research Fellow of Institute of Statistical Science, AS

