2024.10.09 14:00-16:00
Prof. Renyi Zhang
Professor, Department of Chemistry and Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Texas A&M University Harold J. Haynes Chair in Geosciences University Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Sciences
Airborne particulate matter (PM) or aerosol (particles
suspended in air) exerts profound impacts on the atmosphere-earth
system, ranging from air quality, ecosystems, weather, to climate. A
large fraction of the tropospheric aerosol populations is produced
from new particle formation (NPF) under various environments. Notably,
the atmospheric effects of ultrafine particles (UFPs) are distinct
from those of larger particles (e.g., fine and coarse particles).
Elevated UFP levels have been attributed to substantially enhanced
convection and precipitation. Because of their ability to enter
extra-pulmonary tissues, UFPs have been linked to strong adverse human
health effects. Currently, there exists a high degree of exposure
misclassification for UFPs, which are unregulated in the available air
quality standards. In this talk, I will focus on recent research to
advance the understanding of atmospheric formation and impacts of
邀請人:陳怡均 博士