2024.01.11 14:00-16:00
程毅豪 特聘研究員(統計所)/林玉儂 助研究員(地球所)/ 陳怡均 助研究員(環變中心)
Title: Statistical Models and Analysis for Seismic Hazards Assessment
統計所 程毅豪 特聘研究員
Dr. Yi-Hau Chen, Distinguished Research Fellow, ISS
This talk is based on my work with Dr. Chu-Chuan Peter Tsai, which proposes models for the ground motion attenuation (GMA) relationship accounting for site, earthquake and path-specific effects or “variance components,” for more accurate seismic hazards prediction. We also have proposed a systematic computational algorithm based on the “EM algorithm” for implementing the analysis of the GMA models, which also will be discussed.
Title: Urban Safety and Resilience: Structural Health Monitoring using SAR Tomography
地球所 林玉儂 助研究員
Dr. Yunung Nina Lin, Assistant Research Fellow, IES
I will present the first SAR tomography research conducted in Taiwan – how this technology can help with the large-scale structural health monitoring, especially regarding the old buildings within the Taipei Basin.
Title: Pinpointing Air Pollutant Emissions from Space
環變中心 陳怡均 助研究員
Dr. Yi-Chun Chen, Assistant Research Fellow, RCEC
This work represents the first attempt to derive the regional nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions of Taiwan using high resolution satellite data.
To enhance our comprehension of emissions at the urban scale and improve the accuracy of bottom-up emission inventories, the NOx emissions were estimated using remote sensing NO2 data and ground-based photolysis rate measurements. By monitoring the NOx emissions from space, we can better understand their sources and distributions.