Flash Talk from Ocean KAN (Knowledge Action Network) Steering Committee Members - Bring your own lunch and let's talk about marine sustainability

2023.03.29 12:30-13:30


活動主辦:永續中心國合計畫 Future Earth Taipei Ocean Working Group 跟 Ocean KAN合辦

*Coffee and snacks are available

* Anna Zivian (Chair of Ocean KAN steering committee)
* Dwight Owens (Associate Director for Learning & Community Engagement at Ocean Networks Canada)
* Leopoldo Cavaleri Gerhardinger (Postdoctoral researcher, Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona)
* Linwood Pendleton (Ocean KAN International Project Executive Director)
* Mitsutaku Makino (Professor, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo)
