賀! 本中心副主任龍世俊研究員,獲選國際室內空氣品質和氣候學會( ISIAQ )新科會士(Fellow)

發布日期: 2024.07.12

賀! 本中心龍世俊研究員兼副主任,獲選國際室內空氣品質和氣候學會( ISIAQ )新科會士(Fellow)

According to the ISIAQ, fellows are recognized for their distinguished and significant contributions to the indoor air sciences.

ISIAQ was founded in 1992 by 109 international scientists and practitioners following the 5th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Indoor Air '90 (Toronto, 1990). It is an international, independent, multidisciplinary, scientific, non-profit organization whose purpose is to support the creation of healthy, comfortable and productivity-encouraging indoor environments.
