發布日期: 2021.01.22
Presentation Title | Slides | |
Martin Setvák Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Czech |
Satellite observations of gravity waves, generated by convective storms into the upper atmosphere | Click |
Pao K. Wang (王寳貫) Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taiwan |
Storm top dynamics - a review | Click |
Ming-Jen Yang (楊明仁) National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
Taiwan-area Heavy rain Observation and Prediction Experiment (TAHOPE) | Click |
Jordan Gerth University of Wisconsin-Madison/SSEC, USA |
Compositing visible, near-infrared, and infrared wavelengths for meteorological feature identification | Click |
Pay-Liam Lin (林沛練) National Central University, Taiwan |
Diurnal Variation of Mesoscale Circulation and Precipitation During Mei-Yu Season over Taiwan and Surrounding Area | Click |
Wan-Ru Huang (黃婉如) National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan |
Dynamical Downscaling Simulation and Future Projection of Extreme Precipitation Activities in Taiwan during the Mei-Yu Seasons | Click |
Sho Arakane (荒金匠) Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taiwan |
Remote Triggering Effect of a Tropical Cyclone in the Bay of Bengal on a Heavy Rainfall Event in Subtropical East Asia | Click |
Chuan-Chi Tu (涂絹琪) National Central University, Taiwan |
Characteristics of the Marine Boundary Layer Jet over the South China Sea during the Early Summer Rainy Season of Taiwan | Click |
Shu-Jeng Lin (林書正) Chinese Culture University, Taiwan |
Tropical cyclone structures as depicted by WWLLN data – Convection asymmetry | Click |
Shaun-Ping Chen (陳渲屏) National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
Mechanisms of Orographically Enhanced Precipitation Associated with Typhoon Meari (2011) over Mt. Da-Tun | Click |
Kuan-Hui Elaine Lin(林冠慧) Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taiwan |
Reconstructed typhoon series 1644-1911 and implications of general atmospheric-oceanic circulation | Click |
Balaji Kumar Seela National Central University, Taiwan |
Raindrop Size Distribution Characteristics of Summer and Winter Season Rainfall Over North Taiwan | Click |